Preparing To Face The First Boss Monster

Hao didn't have anything to say to defend his players. So he remained silent, feeling only bad for their lack of luck.

"What now?" Cher asked in a tone that was heard by all. The team just cleared all materials, and she got notifications as the guild leader of the amount donated by any player. "This useless feature! How can I turn it off?"

"I… Dunno," Hao decided to let her suffer for a little bit. After all, she was a bit harsh and greedy with the players.

"Really?" she raised one eyebrow, while feeling sure this was Hao's response to her last order, "if you didn't say, I will keep them working like this… F O R E V E R!"

"Damn harsh!" Hao could only sigh, "ok, you can turn it off through the setting menus, the general notification submenu."