Chapter 1: Prologue

“Adeline…” The soft voice forced my eyes open, as I sat up to look around. I wasn’t in my bedroom, but in a green field with a large pond that glimmered silver in the full moon light. Suddenly I caught sight of a silver figure in front of me. The beautiful silver figure smiled down at me holding out her hand. I reached out grasping it as I stood unable to take my eyes off this silver woman in front of me. “Adeline, I don’t have long, you must listen carefully.”

“Who are you?” I whispered in wonder, almost to myself as I stared up into her liquid silver eyes.

“I am the Mother of All, I am known to you as the Moon Goddess my child.” I blinked letting the information register before I fell to my knees bowing low.

“Forgive me my Lady, forgive me…” I whimpered but the silver figure just laughed softly, lifting my head until I was standing again.

“You bow to no one my child; you are my chosen one. I blessed you when you were born. Now my blessing will change your life, but for better or worse is up to you.” She placed a finger on my forehead as she grinned down at me. “You are the chosen one, you will break the unbreakable, change the unchangeable and tame the untamable, but first you must train and grow strong. Your mate will not search for you, he will lose too many and will no longer feels he can love, his heart is cold and hard, but you can change him, only you can save him.” I stared up at the Moon Goddess nodding my head, imprinting every word to memory. “You and your mate will be the strongest wolves in the world. You will lead the fight against those that would destroy the entire supernatural world. You must win for there is an evil lurking among you. You must squash it out before it is too late. Now I must go, my parting gift to you is beauty, strength, and power beyond your wildest dreams. You shall be kind and wise, strong, and passionate, the truest Luna ever born.” With her final words she removed her finger from my forehead and suddenly my body was on fire, I fell to my side reeling in pain. “Remember my daughter, you bow to no one, no one rules above you, only with you.” With that I awoke from my vision shrieking and writhing in pain.