Chapter 4: Apples and Honey


‘Ean, you good?’ I felt someone elbow me in the side and I shook myself as I looked away from the door that had just closed. I sent a glare over to my Beta Sean who was the culprit and tried to refocus on the task at hand. There was over 20 Alpha’s in this room it was strange to see them all so relaxed with each other. Seeing these men work together was not something I’d grown up with, I had been taught everyone was an enemy, no other pack could be trusted. But then again most everything I’d learned under my father was a lie and I could see that now. Most of these men looked like they had already been lifelong friends as they spoke to each other about the document that was currently in everyone’s hands. ‘This is what a pack is supposed to look like, ours will too one day. We just had to take a bloodier path then most.’ My wolf Ares spoke to me and I just nodded looking back at my Beta. “What were you saying?”

“I was mentioning that the girl that poked her head in is the Alpha’s daughter, but you were too blanked out to notice.” Sean whispered as he leaned back into his chair. I rolled my eyes, I’d been hearing about this Alpha’s daughter from his mate constantly since she had joined our pack to be with Sean. She sounded like a pushover, kind and innocent and sweet, nothing I ever needed to get in volved with. I had to many enemies to add someone to our pack like that. Isabella came from a line of pure Beta’s and she had proven herself to be a fierce warrior and a strategic planner, an asset to our pack and perfect for Sean who was just a bit to lighthearted. She had certainly been the seriousness he had needed in his life.

“I saw her, now let’s focus on this treaty. Alpha Night mentioned that his advisor added a few adjustments due to new intel.” Sean nodded and we put our minds back to the task at hand, the girl for the moment forgotten.


‘Goddess above that took much longer than I had wanted.’ I spoke threw our link and Sean nodded his head in agreement rolling his shoulders as we stepped out of the room. ‘I’m going to shower let me know when it’s time for the meeting.’

‘Will do Alpha, I’m gonna see if I can find Isabella, she texted saying they just got back.’ I nodded to Sean and he turned to head down the stairs as I headed up to the fourth floor where Alpha Night was hosting all the Alpha’s and everyone from their pack they had chosen to bring. I was on the third floor when a faint scent turned my head. ‘Mate… she’s here.’ Ares growled possessively in my head and I went to follow the scent when I smelled another scent that overpowered the faint smell of apples and honey. It was lilac.

“Alpha! I’ve been waiting for you to get out of your meeting.” I felt her thin fingers wrap around my arm as she pressed herself against my side and I turned to glare coldly down at her.

“I ordered you to stay home Harper, this is not a place for you to be.” The words came out icy as I removed her hand from my arm and placed my hand on her back and pushed her towards the fourth floor. ’Leave this girl, we need to find out mate.’ Ares snarled in my head, he detested Harper who was always trying to find a way into a room alone with me. ‘We have plenty of time Ares, everyone will be gathered tonight. I’m sure she will be there.’ He growled again in my head but conceded knowing we needed to put Harper somewhere she couldn’t damage our pack’s reputation.

“But Alpha, I didn’t want you to have to spend all these nights away all on your own…” she spun around while I was distracted with Ares and suddenly my hand was on her chest and not her back as she pressed herself against me again. “I could always keep you company, I’m quite attentive if you let me.” I pulled my hand away from her chest and stepped back. ‘Could this get any worse.’ I frowned down at her and shook my head.

“Harper. Stay in here and do not come out. I don’t want to see you again until we are leaving. Do I make myself clear.” It wasn’t a question as I saw her bow her head deeply in response to my command. With a sharp shove I pushed her into my room and shut the door, grabbing the single bag I’d brought that was still by the door. ‘Sean I’m using your room to shower.’ I linked with my Beta and I heard him chuckle.

‘I can’t believe you didn’t just lock her in the basement, this place is so big I doubt anyone would ever find her.’ Sean replied and I just shook my head.

‘She still part of our pack, I promised her dad I would look after her, it’s not my fault she is the way she is.’ I groaned internally still regretting the promise I made to her father 4 years ago to take his daughter into my pack for protection. ‘I’ll be quick I’m sure we don’t have much time before the signing begins.’

‘You’re just lucky Isabella is hanging out with her friend because she says the showers are great for…’ I cut off our link before he could go any further as I opened the door to his room and headed for the bathroom. ‘Hurry up I want to find our mate.’ I rolled my eyes, Ares wasn’t usually this persistent unless someone was being disrespectful and he wanted to rip their throat open. ‘You gotta chill Ares, we will find her when it’s the right time, and she might be an Omega for all we know. Her scent was practically non-existent she might not even be in this pack anymore.’ My words caused Ares to growl in anger and I felt him want to respond but I just put my barrier up and ignored him. I needed to hurry this meeting along so I could return to my pack, being gone for three days when so many rogue attacks had been accruing made me anxious and I did not want to be gone any longer than I had to be.