Chapter 16: New Home


“When is she supposed to arrive Ean?” Sean questioned as he walked up, his mate trailing behind him looking as sleepy as he did, but with an excitement in her eyes.

“She was supposed to be here by 8, but now it’s nearly 1030 and she isn’t answering her phone.” I grumbled, pulling my phone from my pocket for the thousandth time.

“Really because that’s her car over there.” Izzie yawned as she pointed to a forest green jeep that was parked off to the side next to a few other vehicles that belong to warriors that stayed in the pack house. “She prolly got here hours ago and is just scoping out the place. She loves to just be alone when she comes to a new place. People tend to take her receptions better when she’s not being formally introduced as an immediate superior.” I inhaled deeply trying to relax as I glared at Izzie who was trying to hide her laughter behind another yawn, the twinkle in her eye telling me she knew exactly when Adeline had gotten here.