‘Do you think she’ll come back after her week with Alpha Kingsley?’ I questioned Ares as I continued to pace back and forth in my office. I walked over to the desk Addie had been using since coming here, the smell of warm honey and apples filled my nose as I leaned over the desk. The tension that was building in my shoulders eased a fraction, I could almost see her sitting behind the desk. She had a fancy quill and several bottles of ink, with a stack of blank papers on one side of her desk, ‘it feels more official when it’s handwritten like this! I’m not being eccentric!’ I had laughed then but I had loved watching her write. Her hair would fall in her face as her hand moved across the page flawlessly, her brow knitted together as she concentrated on every stroke. ‘Perfection is achievable with practice and commitment.’ I could hear her voice everywhere I went, smell her, see her.