He Would Give... , then She Must Marry Him

Teenage Edric didn't seem the least bit guilty.

 He looked away when his parents were about to go to work and left him.

 The boy was seen sitting on the sofa.  And sometimes, he gritted his teeth so furiously, he wished he could yell and insult Irene even though he was forbidden to hit the girl.

 Edric's eyes slowly closed, he fell fast asleep while waiting for Irene to return home from school.

 Time passed but the girl did not come home.

 And when Edric opened his eyes.

 "Call Irene!"  He ordered the maids to bring Irene before him.

 "Our Young Lady is still not home, Master," said a maid, surprised Edric.

 "Why isn't she home yet?"  asked Edric because it was unusual for Irene to come home so long from school while Edric at that time was no longer allowed to attend school because of his proven case of bullying Irene.

 "Pardon me, Master!"  replied the maid, feeling guilty for not knowing the reason for Irene's late return.

 "Damn Her!"  cursed Edric who started to stand up, "Has the school bus not arrived yet?!"

 "Yes, it hasn't yet, Master," replied the maid and Edric immediately stepped towards the exit and saw the sky was almost dark.

 "Where is she going?"  shouted an angry Edric and he stepped out of the house.

 He looked for Irene's whereabouts then stopped when he saw the woman getting out of the taxi and Edric saw Chaiden sitting in the taxi,

 "How dare you!"

 "I just wanted to tell you that I won't be living in Dorian's House anymore," said Irene, which made Edric surprised.

 "W- what?!"

 Then the woman started to get into the taxi and the taxi door closed immediately.

 The taxi left Edric still standing in disbelief.



 The taxi carrying Irene had been on the way for quite some time.

 Irene intended to meet her father and ask the middle man's permission to let her stay in the school dormitory alone.

 However, that time, she was no longer considered a bully and everyone knew that Edric had done something bad to her, therefore, Irene believed her father would let the girl out of Dorian's house.

 Irene got out of the car when the car had reached Isaac's house yard.

 "Tell me when you get his permission!"

 The woman bowed for a moment and looked at Chaiden who was still sitting in the car seat,

 "Alright. And… Thanks, Chaiden!"  said Irene,

 "Hmm!"  Then she closed the door when she saw Chaiden nod his head.

 And the taxi left her, then Irene started to walk towards the door of the house.

 But Irene's steps were stopped when a car blocked her.  When the door opened, Edric started to come out of it.

 Irene's body began to tremble, she immediately ran quickly to enter her house.

 "Irene!"  She ignored the call from Edric, and it seemed the boy was after her.

 "Daddy!"  called Irene when she was standing in front of the door,

 "W– What's up?"  And Edric was surprised when he saw the body of a middle-aged man lying on the floor.

 "Daddy!"  The man saw Irene running, approaching her father who was lying weak.

 He also saw Lucy halfway up the stairs with her Mother.


 "Uncle Isaac!"


 Irene stood in the morgue and saw her father lying breathless on the bed.

 "They killed my daddy, They killed my dad, Ahhhhhhh!"  Irene cried, screamed, hugged, her father's stiff and cold body, "Daddy… Daddy, wake up!"  The call continued to cry, screaming with a trembling body.

 "Irene!"  called Edric's mother and Irene immediately stood up and faced her.

 "Aunty, they have killed my father. Give them the death sentence! I saw Lucy pushing my father. Punish them, Aunty!"

 "I'm sorry, Honey. I can't do it. Edric has already testified that your father fell from the top of the stairs due to a heart attack,"

 "Wh– What? Why does Edric lie? He lies, Aunty. Edric also saw Lucy pushing my father. Edric…"

 "Irene, you're probably in shock and blaming someone else. Go home and rest for your heart to settle down!"

 "No… No… I won't part with Daddy again!"


 There was no more passion in her life.

 Her mother had died, then her father appeared to have been buried in the ground.

 The girl could only stand beside her father's grave.

 She looked up at the young woman and her daughter was seen crying at the funeral.  She hated them, so hated that she clenched her fists.

 And she also hated the Dorian family who didn't believe in her words.  She also hated the fiancé who testified falsely to her father's death.

 Her fiancé was seen approaching Lucy who was crying.  He gave candy to a very young girl.

 "Stop crying, Lucy! I will take care of you in place of your father," said Edric promised Lucy in front of Irene who heard it.

 Then Irene started to look back when Edric's mother touched her shoulders.

 "Let's go home, Irene!"  said the middle-aged woman,

 "I hope everyone goes, I want to talk to Daddy alone!"  Irene refused, she didn't look at the middle-aged woman again and just continued to stare at Lucy who she hated so much.

 "Okay, but we will wait for you in the car," said Edric's mother and slowly the visitors to her father's grave left, leaving Irene alone who was still standing with a heart that still couldn't accept her father's departure.

 "Even though I have forgiven you for cheating on Mommy, but instead you left me forever, Daddy. What did I do wrong? Say it! Why am I the only one left in this world?"  Irene asked with tears falling uncontrollably.

 "Irene, I'm still by your side," Then the woman turned when she heard a male voice.

 "Aahhhh!"  Then cried screaming when she realized that the man was Chaiden.  "Ahhhh!"  She wept and lowered her head and still stood in front of the boy who seemed to have brought flowers for the girl's father.  "Ahhh… I want to die too!"  said Irene with unstoppable tears while occasionally wiping the tears on the downcast face.

 And Chaiden reached out and stroked the ends of her hair.

 "Do you want to go with me?"

 10 Years end


 "Mommy is in pain and now in the hospital," said Edric to Irene who was seen sitting before him.

 The two of them were in a cafe with the university where Irene taught.

 "So why?"  asked Irene curtly,

 It was quite surprising for Edric because Irene didn't care about his mother's condition.

 "She wants to see you. She misses you!"  asked Edric,

 "No," And Irene refused his request.

 "I'll pay you for it."  Edric made an offer,

 "No," And Irene still refused.

 "Don't make me force you!"

 "And I will curse your mother to death in front of her," replied Irene,

 The woman smiled mockingly at Edric.

 "Irene!"  Edric tried to stay calm facing Irene, even though he wanted to be angry.

 "We've done. Nothing more to talk about and don't bother me!"  asked Irene who had stood up and walked away,

 "No!"  But her steps stopped when Edric had stood up and gripped the woman's hand tightly.  "Whatever it is, I'll give it to you, then I beg you, come see my mother!"

 "Dorian's main house," replied Irene offering,

 "..." And Edric fell silent,

 "Forget it!"  Then Irene let go of the man's hand.

 "Okay," And before walking away, she was surprised to hear the answer from Edric.

 "Well," then she stepped back,

 "But you have to marry me,"
