How Rude! But Nope, She Really Wanted to Go

"Just see that I'm the one who got hurt here, Mommy. You can check your Dear daughter's body to prove that I didn't hurt her at all," Edric tried to explain.

 He never expected that Irene's character would actually change, and she even had dared to slander him.

 "He may not hit me," Irene held her head, pretending to be in pain.  Then she brushed her hair above her head, "But he insulted me, he mocked me, he also dodged me. It makes me traumatized by all his bullying behavior even though 10 years have passed. I thought it would all be hard to forget and I can't stand it in this place for so long, Aunty," said Irene, starting to walk away.

 "How can I insult you when I'm the one convincing you to come home, Irene? Please… just because you're jealous of Lucy, doesn't mean I have to accept your false accusations," Edric evaded,

 He tried to reassure his mother who was angry with him.

 "Forever you will believe what your son says, Aunty. I remember you were always like that," said Irene to Mrs.  Dorian was shocked, then Irene quickly left the room,

 "Don't go!"  She ignored Mrs.  Dorian at the time, "Irene, I believe in you,"

 "No!"  Irene turned around. Her tears fell down her cheeks, even though they were only fake tears, "at least, it was Edric who was always right, then I'm the one who is wrong. Everything is still the same as before, you don't even believe that my father was murdered and not because of heart disease,"  said the woman who started to smile bitterly,

 Then she stepped back,

 "I'm sorry, I won't force you anymore, I promise you," But her steps were stopped when Edric quickly chased after her and grabbed the woman's hand. He carried Irene's body into his arms and hugged her tightly.

 "Don't go!"  He whispered a request to a woman, "I beg of you, then I will give you whatever you want later," Edric promised, still in a whisper and it made Irene smile bitterly.


 Irene sat on a chair, in front of the table which had been filled with many kinds of food on it.

 The woman was sitting next to Mrs Dorian. Then she looked at Edric in front of her.

 "How awesome! Did you really cook all this for me?"  Mrs.  Dorian praised, she actually looked in awe at the food on the table.

 Irene clearly knew that it wasn't her who cooked them but Lucy.

 She smiled mockingly at Edric who seemed very hopeful that the woman would confirm his mother's question.

 "Why don't you try it first, Aunty?"  Irene did not answer Mrs Dorian.

 And that made the middle-aged woman suspect Edric.

 "Ah yeah," Mrs.  Dorian started to pick up the knife and spoon,


 "Hmph!"  But she was surprised to hear Irene's ban.

 Likewise with Edric and also his father.

 "What's up?!"  asked Mr.  Dorian.

 "I haven't tested them. I'm afraid all this food will disappoint you," replied Irene.  She smiled gently at Edric's father, then grabbed a spoon and tried the soup in front of her,

 "How's the taste?"  asked Mr.  Dorian, curious.



 Mrs.  Dorian gasped,

 Everyone there was also shocked when Irene pulled the tablecloth and dropped all the food there.

 "Irene!"  called Edric furiously,

 Meanwhile Mrs.  Dorian seemed to stand up and drop the knife, also spoon in her hands.

 "They all are what Lucy has cooked to you, and not me, Aunty!"  said Irene,

 It made Edric sigh heavily.  The man really couldn't make a deal with Irene.


 Hearing Irene's words, Mrs.  Dorian started to blush, she seemed to be holding back her anger, then clutched her aching head.

 "Honey!"  and Mr.  Dorian immediately stepped up quickly to help his wife stay on her feet.

 "Why don't you ever look at the CCTV in your house, Aunty? Ahh right… you are always like that. You don't even know that I was abused by your son, nor do you know that my father's murderer used to go in and out of this house. She approached Edric and kissed him  in front of me, then you still want me to marry your son?! That's ridiculous," said Irene who looked annoyed at the middle-aged woman in front of her.

 "Please, Irene. Don't talk about the past anymore," and Mr.  Dorian asked the woman to stop discussing the past.

 "Yep, I'll stop.. I really… really don't want to come to this place again, so please… let me go!"  said Irene who had stepped foot again,

 "No," but Mrs.  Dorian insisted on forbidding the woman to go, "I beg of you!" she asked hopefully.

 And that made Edric immediately approach Irene.

 "I know you hate me, but I beg you, don't do that to my mother!"  then clasped her palm and led the woman to follow his steps.

 "Wait, I'm thirsty!"  but Edric stopped his steps when he heard Irene's words.

 "What are you guys waiting for? Get her a drink!"  The man heard Mr.  Dorian's order on his servants.

 And quickly his servant came to bring a glass of water on a tray to Irene.

 "Let go of my hand!"  Irene asked,

 And Edric had to, meanwhile, Mrs.  Dorian seemed to be still standing with a look full of regret at Irene.

 "I'm sorry!"  He heard his son's words.


 Then they were shocked again when Irene had splashed water on Edric's face.

 "No… please!"  and Irene stopped the hand that was about to hit the glass on the man's head when Mr.  Dorian pleaded.

 "I won't be forced,"

 Praankkk!  "This will stop him pulling my arm again!"  said Irene who had hit the glass on Edric's head until blood seemed to flow out of it.




 Then Irene quickly ran towards the exit of the house.

 "Hold her!"  She was surprised when she heard Edric's cold voice commanding his servants.

 "Damn!"  Then took off the shoes she was wearing, "Don't chase me!"  shouted Irene who had thrown her shoes and ran fast from the house.

 Meanwhile Mrs.  Dorian looked disappointedly at his son who seemed to be covering the wound with a cloth.

 "I think that's how it felt when you bullied Irene in the past!"  said the disappointed middle-aged woman.

 She wasn't the least bit worried about his son's condition.


  Mrs.  Dorian just kept going with the help of the maid, leaving his son behind;  Edric who seemed to be looking at her with a look full of sadness.

 She ignored the call from her husband.