Wanna be Mrs Songs

"Hubby, I will see you at home, " Zuni said as she got out of the car and waved at him lovingly. "I will cook for you. Bye, bye, have a good day at the office. Assistant Lu, please take care of my hubby or I will deduct your salary."

Why did Assistant Lu feel as if she was threatening him for real? 

With this said, Zuni was gone. 

As she saw the car going farther and farther away, the rain stopped all of a sudden and she felt her phone ringing in her pocket. Walking to an empty alley, she pulled her summer dress up and below she was wearing her special pants that secured her cell phone, cards and her special knife. 

How great would it have been if she could hide her gun there too? Too bad, it was the only white dress she owned and she wasn't going to marry her baobei wearing another colour. 

Zuni forgot once again how the dress that she was wearing was not owned by her but a stolen one.

"Speak," She said in a bored voice. 

"Miss, should I kill all these ladies?" Luna, her assistant slash only friend asked. The ladies that she was talking about were the remembers of the wannabe-Mrs -Song club. Too bad, the title belonged to someone else now. 

"If I could kill them, wouldn't I kill them myself?" Zuni asked, annoyed. "I just landed in China two hours ago and if I broke any law, mom will break my legs!"

She hadn't slept for two nights straight and if she went to see those Wannabe Mrs Songs, she was sure that she was going to do something regretful. Too bad, she couldn't afford any regret for the time being or her parents would drag her away by grabbing her ear back home. 

"Miss, I didn't know you were scared of Madam, " Luna said with a scoff. 

"Hah, who is scared of my mom?" Zuni said in an arrogant tone as she stroked her beloved knife. 

"Then, should I inform Madam that I made a copy of the household registry that you used to marry Mr Song?" Luna asked, daringly. Her friend was a low-key chicken but would be damned if she agreed. 

"Luna, you bitch, I thought we were friends!" Zuni grunted. "I am not scared of mom. But she will chop my Baobei for marrying me without informing her. Good Devil, I will not even be able to hold my Baobei's funeral if he died at my mom's hand."

"So, Miss, we have to leave all these wannabe Mrs Song?" Luna asked, not paying attention to anything else. She was tired and would like to rest. It wasn't an easy feat to kidnap all these ladies who threatened her Miss's position. 

"Yes but if they opened their mouths…" Zuni said in a mysterious tone that wasn't mysterious at all. 

"Oh, I have everything arranged, " Luna said in a sweet voice. 

"Good, get me Minister's He's daughter's information, " Zuni said with a smile. "She is close to my hubby. I think I might need to visit her. And Luna? Stop calling me Miss. It's Mrs Song now." 

Luna cursed when Zuni hung up on her once again. She felt pity for this Minister's daughter. 

Hell hath fury as Long Reine annoyed. 

She just hoped that the Minister's daughter didn't eye Miss's Baobei or… 

She would have to handle another body? 

She had an urge to cry. She fell into Miss's ploy again. She was fooled in the name of vacation! 

"Why did you kidnap us?" Miss Shi, who was kidnapped from the Civil Affairs Bureau, shouted. Her dreams were shattered. She would have been Mrs Song by now if she wasn't kidnapped from the doors of the Civil Affairs Bureau. "And who is this miss you are talking about!"

"There are five things you should know about my Miss, " Luna said as she looked at the room full of twenty wannabe Mrs Song. "First, My miss is a deadly snake in the disguise of a human. If she bites you, trust me, you won't even ask for water. Second, my miss is a yandere. Third, my miss can tolerate anything but someone eyeing her Baobei. Fourth, she is frustratingly arrogant. Fifth, she has a nasty temper. So, don't go provoking her!"

"She is a fucking psychopath!" Miss Shi cried. 

"Yes, that's why you should sew your mouth and never discuss what happened today or you know better, "Luna laughed like a psychopath. She looked at the red dress that Miss Shi was wearing and sighed in relief. 

This lady didn't know that the red dress that she was wearing saved her life. Had she chosen white…


Zuni: I'm sorry but I'm not sorry. 

Luna: Miss,  why are you saying sorry if you aren't feeling sorry?

Zuni: For appearance's sake. I don't want my Hubby to think of me as a vicious snake.

Luna: Miss, you have a hubby complex!