Feng Lixue

"Madam, your rose tea, " A servant arrived and served the tea while Luna fiercely glared at him. 

"Call me Luna, " Luna demanded. 

"Madam…."The servant glanced at her first and then at the man sitting on the majestic sofa quietly while sipping on the tea, emitting a regal aura.

"Lu—"The servant had yet to call her by her name when the man casually turned to look at him. He gulped badly and placed the tea on the table while saying, "Madam, your tea.  Please tell me if you need anything else." With this said, he ran for his life. 

Luna turned her gaze to look at the handsome villain sitting there like he owned a kingdom in the past. She pointed her finger at him as she said, "You, dictator! You forced everyone to call me Madam. I'm telling you that I will never marry you! Hmmph!"

"Where is Zuni?" Tang Zhixin calmly asked as he looked at the girl sitting opposite him. The girl had mixed features. Her western features were more highlighted than her Chinese features which were her beautiful eye shape. She had hues of olive skin tone. 

Luna harrumphed as she crossed her arms over her chest and said, "I'm not her babysitter. I'm her friend. I owe my loyalty to her. I won't open my mouth and tell you that she got together with her Baobei." 

Her eyes widened as she recalled the nonsense that she had just spoken. Stupid Tang Zhixin! He always made her speak nonsense before him all the time. Oh lord, she hates this devil so much. 

"Baobei?" Tang Zhixin repeated the word as if he was playing with it, given how gentle he sounded at that moment. But Luna knew better to trust the gentleness of this brute.

"Tang Zhixin, I'm telling you if you forced my Miss to do something against her wish, I will do something that you will regret all your life, " Luna threatened him. 

"What will you do, Feng Lixue? Hmm? Do share." Tang Zhixin asked as he leaned over to look at her face carefully. She was looking at him with her wide hazel eyes, not blinking. She could feel her stupid heart beating fast in his proximity. 

"Run away from home again? Like you did two years ago?" Tang Zhixin commented. "Please do it. No one expects anything serious and smart from you and Zuni anyways."

Luna pushed him away as she snarled, "Don't you dare call me anything but Luna!".

She hated it! She hated it so much! She had been gone from that life for years now. Why did they all have to remind her of the roots that she hated the most? What rights does this man have to say all these things to her when he was no less than all of them who made her run away from her home? 

"Just because you forget your roots doesn't mean I will forget too, Feng Lixue, " Tang Zhixin said as he gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Think about your poor old father. He doesn't deserve this." 

Luna looked at him. Once. Twice. He was deliberately trying to get on her nerves. Did he think she forget how to retort? 

"My father? Are you talking about the Tang family's loyal dog?" Luna snorted. She chuckled when she saw a hit of anger in his gleaming brown eyes. Oh, look, someone still respected his Uncle Feng a lot!  "He stopped being my father when he forced me to marry you. If it helps you remember my real name, I got my name legally changed to Luna two years ago. Stop calling me that bloody old name or I will not react to your callings." 

This time, Tang Zhixin didn't say anything. He just stared at her face for a really long, long time. 

"Mrs Ji, please prepare a room for me where I don't have to see a certain someone's infuriating face all the time, " Luna yelled at the top of her lungs, hoping for the head of Butler to hear her. 

Tang Zhixin narrowed his eyes at her. 

She looked at him and scoffed. "What? Tell me, I'm wrong and you won't imprison me in this golden jail until I tell you where Zuni is."

"You are right, " Tang Zhixin said blankly. "Make yourself at home." With this said, he placed the teacup on the table and stood up to leave. 


A/N: You have guessed it right. Luna is the second FL and we can reluctantly call TZ as the second ML too but… if he messes up or Luna refuses to acknowledge him as the SML, we will dispose of him on the cliff behind my home. *wink wink*

PS: The first twist is coming soon. Be prepared! 

PSS: I'm still wondering why I started the new book? Did boredom get to my head? Plus, If I forget to post someday,  just remind me because I have a memory of goldfish. I write chapters but I forget to post them. Yes. Yes. It only happens to me. 

If WN gave me a contract, I will give you a grand mass release. 
