Flirted back.

"Don't play with fire, Song Jingren, " Zuni threatened him. "You will not be able to handle the flames."

"So, Mrs Song is fire now, " Song Jingren whispered in his alluring voice. His neck touched her wet neck. She had just taken a shower and she was still smelling like his products. He couldn't help himself from trailing her chin and jaw with his nose. 

"You bastr…Ah, " Zuni's first transformed into a moan as he lightly touched her collarbone with his tongue. 

He was teasing her. 

He was deliberately playing with her. 

Zuni understood his intentions but she was too engaged in this game of pleasure to think straight. 

Who said she would die but talk to him? 

Suddenly, she felt the weight off her body and as she closed her eyes, she found him sitting on the bed on the far end, while grinning li at her. 

"Let's have dinner, wife, " Song Jingren said. 

"You must be having a good time teasing me, don't you?" Zuni asked him with a sarcastic smile. 

"The best, " He grinned like the devil that he was. 

"Alright, " Zuni said and pounced on him. She bit his neck and left a mark there. Even the collar of his shirt wouldn't be able to hide it. 

"You!" Song Jingren looked at her in disbelief. However, she wasn't done yet. Her lips were only a centimetre away from his as she said, "This kind of fire is ignited by me and will be extinguished by me, Baobei."

He gritted his teeth as she palmed his hardness that suddenly bulged at her touch.  The hot and swollen desire of the beast was rearing its ugly head once again. 

"Goodbye, Baobei, " Zuni whispered as she grinned and bit her lip in a sexy manner. "You know the way to the bathroom. Even the cold water won't be able to extinguish the fire that I ignited."

As she got out of the bed in his bathroom like a seductress that she was, he ran out of the room straight to the bathroom. 

As he was under the cold shower, he heard a peal of laughter vibrating outside. 

"Bloody seductress, " Song Jingren cursed through gritted teeth. 

When he came out of the bathroom, half an hour later, he found his wife wearing a tiny flimsy red nightgown if it could be called one and was sitting on the kitchen counter, wearing headphones and eating dinner. 

"Archer, move! The motherfuc*** killed me!" Zuni growled while chewing. 

Song Jingren sighed. Teaching her fifteen years old brother curses? Way to be a good sister. He tapped on her shoulder and said, "Sit on the dining table, not here. And change your ridiculous clothes." 

"Who are you to order my sister around?" The teenage boy said from the other side. "She takes no orders. In this world, there is only one person who can order my sister to wear decent clothes!"

"Right, " Zuni singsonged. "And that's my dad." Looking at her husband, she said, biting her lip. "Are you thinking of becoming my daddy?"

Song Jingren didn't break eye contact with her. He took the phone from her hand. Log out of the game. Then, he held her food plate in one hand and grabbed her like a sack of potatoes with another and placed her on the couch. His coat that was lying on the couch, he placed it on her long naked legs and said, "Now eat like a human."


"Husband, do you need any help?" Zuni asked him quite innocently. 

"Wife, do you perhaps need my help?" Song Jingren cocked his brow, rendering her speechless. "The indecent books and novels you read are good for theoretical knowledge but when it comes to the applicability of the knowledge, you are even noob than me."

Zuni looked at his intense eyes and gulped. Was she just flirted back? She knew how to flirt and she was blank when someone flirt back to her. 

She held the plate tight in her hand and ran to the bedroom before she could be teased again. 

It was his time to burst into a peal of laughter as he saw her scared figure running to the bedroom. It was as if she just found her weakness. 


A/N: Zuni is just a paper tiger. Wink. Wink. Let's move to our other couple.