Not an hallucination

When Zuni finished her work, it was almost three in the evening. She texted her brother the address of her office and he told her that he was waiting for her outside her office building. 

It was the same time when Song Jingren returned from his lunch meeting, he heard a familiar excited shout. Call it a coincidence or whatever but he knew that it was his wife's voice. He could tell that she was extremely happy. 

"Lei bro!"

Zuni jumped in excitement as she saw her brother standing against his car. He was wearing a black leather jacket on a black T-shirt paired with blue jeans. A key pocket dangling on his neck. He blew his slightly long hair and they made his face clear for her to see. She ran to hug him like an excited baby. 

"Bro, I missed you, " Zuni said, her eyes teary but there was a bright smile on her face. 

"My sweetheart looks so weak, " Long Lei nagged like an old mom. He was worried that if he pinched her dried cheeks that were once chubby enough for him to pull the day would hurt her. "Come on, I will feed you."

"But bro, what about the person whose car I broke?" Zuni asked, looking at him. 

"He is not dying, " Long Lei said as she opened the car door for her. "He and his car can wait. He is just an unnecessary person to me. First, I have to catch up with my sister. "

Zuni nodded her head. She should be the priority. 

From the distance, Liu Jingjing saw the scene where Zuni hugged a man in a black jacket and went away with him. She looked at Song Jingren who was staring at the way the car disappeared. It was a chance for her to widen the right between these two people. She was not sure if Zuni and Song Jingren were together but she knew that she must do everything in her power to keep them away from each other. 

"I think that's her boyfriend, " Liu Jingjing commented innocently. "It seems as if they are meeting after a long time."

Song Jingren didn't say anything and walked away from there. 

In a restaurant, Long Lei was blowing on the hot soup. Once it was warm enough not to scald the tongue, he gave it to Zuni. "Drink it slowly." 

"This restaurant is famous for vegetarian dishes. Does it taste good?" Long Lei asked. 

Zuni nodded her head. "Lei bro, can I share something with you?"

"All the time, " Long Lei said. "It goes without saying. "

"When are you going back?" Zuni asked this first.  

Long Lei sighed. "My Sweetheart, you will be shocked to find that my mother called me saying that she missed me and wants to spend time with me. I have no other option but to stay with her. Xavier won't come even if I beg him to. Thus, I'm left with no other option but to spend some days with her. Moreover, you know my dad, he will beat my ass if I return without meeting mom." 

"She is your mom. I think you should spend some time with her, " Zuni said. She knew her Uncle Yuan the best. Although Uncle Yuan and Aunt Shishi's marriage didn't survive long due to a lot of reasons and misunderstandings, they were polite to each other. Like other exes, they didn't tear each other apart. According to her Uncle Yuan, his ex-wife was a good mother and he would love for his sons to get the love of both parents even if they were divorced. 

She added, "Plus, that sister of yours, I don't like her. You should stay more with your mom so as not to let that evil girl brainwash Aunt Shishi completely, especially when Aunt lacks in the intelligence department." 

According to Zuni's mom, there was no point blaming Liu Shishi when the latter had serious faults in her system. Since Liu Shishi knew what kind of family Long family was, she never let her daughter Liu Jingjing get acquainted with them 

"If you ever met that girl, you will understand the real dislike I have for her, " Long Lei said with a look of disgust. He has no idea that Zuni had several encounters with the same girl. "What do you want to tell me?"

"I saw Zoe in a mall in the capital but Zhixin bro says that it was my hallucination, " Zuni said in a soft voice. "But bro, I swear she is real. She looked the same yet she did not. Zoe always has short hair but now she has long hair like me. I can't be wrong."

"Calm down, " Long Lei said, patting her back. "Tell me which mall and when. Leave the rest to me."

Zuni shared the incident with him in detail. 


A/N: Do you want to know how Long Lei bro looks like? I will attach a picture in the paragraph comment. And he might look like Thai actor, don't blame me. 🤣