Cooperation in investigation

Zoe's expression hardened. "I'm not a citizen of this country."

"Then, how did you come to this country without any documents or verification?" Song Zhilan asked in turn. "Are there people helping you behind the scenes?"

"Of course not, " Zoe huffed.

If she had people helping her behind the scenes, would she be living this life? Did he even know what kind of life she was living because of ger one step? 

About how she reached china, it had all to do with the self-defence training she had gotten. As the heiress of two major Chinese mafia families and arms manufacturers and dealers, she was always told that her life was precious and there were too many people wanting to snatch this life from her. 

She might not be trained to kill but she was certainly trained to defend herself. 

When there were too many people waiting to see them dead, they were taught to protect their life in case their empire fell.