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"Miss?!" Ha-Yun patted her cheeks lightly. When Zuni opened her eyes, she whispered, "Are you okay?"

Zuni stared at the unfamiliar woman whose voice was a little familiar to her and nodded her head. She asked in a hoarse voice, "How is your sister?'

"You know my sister?" Ha-Yun asked her. 

Zuni nodded her head. She lied, "We work together." 

Ha Yun's eyes teared up. "I am about to lose my sister. I will be an orphan without my sister."

"You won't be, " Zuni said, certainly. "I heard she needs a blood transfusion. I'm an O-negative blood type. I can give her blood."

"You can?" Ha-Yun asked, fat tears landed on Zuni's hands and she hugged her tightly. "Please help me. I can do anything for her. Please. Please. Help me."

Zuni merely smiled at her. The whole process ended after three hours and the blood transfusion was nearly done. Ha-Yun was outside the operation theatre praying for the speedy recovery of her sister.