Wait for me

"Wait for me in the restaurant where we went one date after the trial ends, " Song Jingren had told Zuni when he had entered the court with his lawyer and police officers. She didn't know what he meant by that. 

Was he sure that he would be able to prove his innocence today? Although she had enough to prove that he had no hands in Choi girl's death, she was not sure if they were enough. She needed just a couple of days more to collect all the evidence. 

The trial started inside. The Lee and Choi family showed all the evidence that proved Song Jingren was the culprit. Everyone was looking at her husband with eyes full of hatred. They had just proved that he was a rapist and a murderer. 

However, Zuni could tell from his shining eyes that he was feeling amused. The worry disappeared soon as she was sure that he had his ace with him. It was just that she didn't know what his ace was.