Steamy Romance Books

The winter had ended and the country had entered into a month of spring. Some places were still covered with a blanket show while others were revealing a picture of greenery. 

Zuni and Zoe watched a motor show today and it could be seen from their faces how enthusiastic it was for both of them. The two sisters were always hanging out together and enjoying their days together. The years they had missed with each other, they were trying to make memories for them. All the things they planned that they would do after finishing college but didn't get to do then…they were doing all those things now. 

"Zian bro has to go to China for an important meeting, "Zoe told Zuni. "Mira is pissed because he is not taking her with him." 

Zuni laughed. "The newlyweds are going to be separated for a few days?"