Abnormal Talent Tree

"Name: Yu Chen

Gender: Male

Age: Sixteen

Identity: Core disciple of the Hunyuan Sect

Crime: Stole the Authentic Mental Cultivation Technique from the Hunyuan Sect"

In the interrogation room, the judge asked, "You will be imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison for 500 years. Do you have any objections?"

Below, Yu Chen looked confused.

What happened?

He transmigrated?

Inherited memories slowly flowed into Yu Chen's brain. If not for the fact that the occasion did not allow it, Yu Chen would definitely have cursed.

According to his memory, this was a fantasy world.

The almighty covered the sky and stirred the clouds with a single hand.

The Emperor seized the lands and ruled the world.

However, the original host was a core disciple of the Hunyuan Sect.

Because he angered the Saint, he was framed for stealing the Authentic Mental Cultivation Technique. He was thus sentenced to 500 years in prison.

Yu Chen raised his head, revealing his slightly delicate face. He said helplessly, "Would you believe me if I said that I was wronged and that I was a good person?"

The judge sneered. "Despicable acting. Take him away."

The prison guard took Yu Chen somewhere and pushed him toward the long line. He was the last in line.

These people were dressed in prison clothing, just like Yu Chen.

Yu Chen finally got a moment to breathe and quickly recalled.

The cultivators of this world would develop something called the Talent Tree.

The cultivation levels were also simply divided into ten major realms.

There were also ten minor levels in each major realm.

With every increase in cultivation level, the Talent Tree would automatically light up a talent point to increase the various attributes of the cultivators.

As someone who lived on earth, Yu Chen was quite interested in such magical things.

So he held his breath, focused, and activated his Talent Tree.

Then, Yu Chen realized something strange.

The original host was originally on level five in the First Cultivation Realm and had automatically lit up five talent points.

However, in front of Yu Chen, his Talent Tree was not lit up. Instead, he had five unallocated Talent Points.

'What happened?'

'I thought they said it would be automatically distributed?'

Yu Chen tentatively clicked on the talent point called 'Genius'.

As a result, his talent was really lit up!

[Genius - Low-grade: Cultivation speed doubled.]


Yu Chen's eyes lit up with joy.

Could this be the benefit of being a transmigrator?

Other people's talent points were completely random. Moreover, they had to acquire some useless talent first before they could acquire high-level talent.

However, Yu Chen could directly choose any talent.

The Talent Tree had a total of 8,208,000 Talent Points, and there were only a few powerful talents.

Ordinary people would be extremely lucky to light one up.

But when it came to Yu Chen, there was a chance to light them all up.

Yu Chen soon realized that the low-grade 'Genius' talent could still be lit up.

The next level was medium-grade. His cultivation speed would increase by ten times.

Now, Yu Chen still had four talent points. At this rate, he would be able to max out his 'Genius' talent.

In other words, the 'Absolute Genius'. His cultivation speed would increase by ten thousand times!

At the thought of this, Yu Chen was feeling secretly delighted when his attention was attracted by a wail.


Just now, Yu Chen was only following the team without really knowing what they were doing.

Yu Chen stuck his head out of the group and took a look. He immediately gasped.

Good God, look at what was happening at the head of the line.

A humanoid creature that was charred black and dripping with blood lay on the ground, twitching. It even let out a terrifying roar.

Seeing this, the other prisoners watched in horror.

It turned out that this was a process one had to go through before going to prison. It was called 'Punishment'.

The goal was to make the prisoners remember pain and repent for their sins.

Yu Chen felt his scalp tingle and his heart trembled.

As a young man who lived in a peaceful era, when had Yu Chen ever seen such a situation?

Besides, it was all very well for the other criminals. After all, they might really have done something despicable.

But Yu Chen was different. He had been wronged!!

"Wait a minute! I was wronged!"

At that moment, one of the prisoners raised his hand and shouted shakily.

However, his tongue was forcefully pulled out by the prison guard. The scene was extremely terrifying.

The prison guard sneered. "Everyone here has been wronged! Scum!"

Yu Chen was speechless.

The other prisoners were also trembling in fear.

Yu Chen watched as the prison guard tossed the prison uniform to the charred prisoner. His actions were forceful.


The prison uniform stuck to the melted skin, causing this person to roar again.

This person remained alive because of the life-saving medicine he had taken before the punishment began.

Then, without giving the prisoner a chance to breathe, the prison guard chased him away with a steel fork.

The prisoner had no choice but to get up and take two steps, but he realized that the soles of his feet had fallen off, revealing white bones…

The burnt and fishy smell seemed to have intensified.

Yu Chen stood in the group, his eyebrows twitching in shock.

'Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!'

Was he about to experience this horror?

However, it was too late to cry out for justice now.

As the line moved forward, it was soon about to be Yu Chen's turn.

The rest of the prisoners were in worse shape than Yu Chen.

Some were so frightened that they peed their pants and collapsed to the ground.

And all Yu Chen could do now was to light some talent.

'Right! Lighting talent!'

Yu Chen activated the Talent Tree and quickly searched.

In the Talent Tree, there should be a talent that granted immunity to fire.

As time passed, the screams grew louder and louder. Yu Chen broke out in a cold sweat.


"Next! Come here!"

Seeing that there was no one left in front of him, Yu Chen suddenly felt despair.

He slowed his footsteps down and walked over.

The cold voice resounded again.

"Eat it!"

A black pill was roughly sent into Yu Chen's mouth.

The pill quickly melted in his mouth and transformed into energy that spread throughout Yu Chen's limbs.

Then, Yu Chen was roughly stripped off of the prison uniform.

"Into the furnace!"

Yu Chen naturally refused. In the end, he was picked up and thrown into the furnace.

The terrifying heat wave stimulated Yu Chen's nerves crazily.

When he heard the sound of machinery operating, Yu Chen's eyebrows twitched in shock.

It hadn't even started, but Yu Chen could not take it anymore.

When his skin touched the furnace, he already felt a shocking pain.

At this moment, Yu Chen could not help but feel despair.

He was just an ordinary corporate slave. Why did he have to go through such an unimaginable and cruel incident? It was as if he had broken the rules of heaven…

Although he was in despair, Yu Chen did not give up on finding a suitable talent in the Talent Tree.

Finally, at the last moment.

Yu Chen found a talent called 'Fire Immunity'.

He felt so excited that his hands were trembling.

Yu Chen clicked the fire immunity talent, but realized that it did not completely grant him fire immunity.

After lighting the talent up, Yu Chen acquired the most basic 'Fire Immunity' talent.

[Fire Immunity - Low-grade: Immune to 90% fire.]

Although he was only 90% immune, Yu Chen was still relieved.

However, he still underestimated the horror of the 'Punishment' process.

In just a moment, Yu Chen was covered in severe burns.

Suppressing his fear, Yu Chen clicked on the 'Fire Immunity' talent again.

[Fire Immunity - Medium-grade: Immune to 99% fire.]

He now only felt one percent of the pain.

Instantly, Yu Chen felt much more relaxed.

But… as time passed, he still couldn't withstand it.

The temperature in the furnace kept rising, and flames shot in from all directions, baking Yu Chen.

These flames were not ordinary flames.

This was the true fire of a cultivator!

He had no choice but to continue to light up the talent…

[Fire Immunity - High-grade: Immune to 99.9% fire.]

After clicking on the 'Fire Immunity' talent a few times, Yu Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

He was bathed in true fire, but it was as relaxing as taking a warm bath.