Eighteen Levels of the Heavenly Prison, Predicament.

On one side, the enemy could not wait for Yu Chen to die.

On the other side, Yu Chen was sitting cross-legged. He closed his eyes and began to cultivate, ignoring everything else.

The news of the prison guard's disappearance had already spread throughout the Heavenly Prison.

Now, Yu Chen had to wait for the commotion to die down before continuing his search for the Hunyuan Sect elder.

Although he did not have a mental cultivation technique and could no longer break through, the act of cultivating could make his cultivation more solid and his foundation more stable.

Yu Chen had also found a perception-type talent.

[Psionic Perception - Low-grade: Sense everything within the range of spiritual power.]

The Heavenly Prison had a total of 18 levels. The higher the level, the more terrifying the punishment.

From the outside, the Heavenly Prison looked like a palm-sized pagoda.

The eighteenth floor was enveloped in a red glow.

The horrid smell of blood covered the entire prison.

It turned out that the scarlet sky of the Heavenly Prison did not originate from the prison itself.

It came from the mysterious mighty figure on the 18th level of the Heavenly Prison.

At this moment, the eighteenth floor was desolate.

Thousands of array formations worked together to seal one person.

Sensing what was happening in the lower floors of the prison, that person seemed to be in an extremely good mood.

A cold voice that was laced with the sound of extreme madness softly resounded.

"Hehe~ Interesting…"

"Can the Heavenly Prison really imprison a cultivator with three high-grade talents?"

In the eighteenth-story warden's room, a giant who was several feet tall heard the voice and tensed.

His voice roared like thunder as he shouted up to the eighteenth floor. "Old ghost, after thousands of years, you finally can't stand the loneliness and start babbling?"

This wait lasted for a week.

Yu Chen was in the Melted Steel Purgatory. Although he was not suffering from the heat, he was not doing well.

The surrounding temperature gradually stirred Yu Chen's impetuous thoughts.

His patience was about to run out.

A month later, Yu Chen discovered that the prison guards' patrols were starting to return to normal.

That was when he knew he had not been discovered.

The hungry prisoners had swallowed the prison guard whole, leaving not even his bones behind. How could they find him?

Thinking of this, Yu Chen looked at the figure of the prison guard who was walking away and decided to start moving today.

There was no day or night here. It was almost impossible to feel the passage of time.

Under such circumstances, days felt like years.

Yu Chen did not dare to imagine how the prisoners without 'Fire Immunity' survived.

After the prison guard left, Yu Chen forced open the cage again and walked out.

With his 'Psionic Perception' talent, Yu Chen could avoid the passing prison guards in advance.

Just like that, Yu Chen safely passed by the place where he met the prison guard last time and arrived outside the iron cage where the second realm cultivators were held.

Every time a cultivator broke through a realm, there would be a world of difference.

However, the second-realm cultivators were not in a good state.

As Yu Chen stepped into the holding cell of the second-realm cultivators, he felt terrifying waves of heat that were shockingly hot.

It turned out that the cage of a second realm cultivator was many times hotter than that of a first realm cultivator.

Yu Chen, who had a high-grade 'Fire Immunity' talent also felt extremely hot. In just a short while, he was sweating profusely.

At the same time, the cage that imprisoned the second realm cultivators also changed from a semi-sealed iron cage to a completely sealed iron cage.

The temperature in the iron cage was definitely higher, and there were only a few small holes to provide oxygen…

It was hard to die here, and even harder to survive.

The origin of the name world-weariness was well deserved.

Yu Chen walked between the iron cages that imprisoned the second realm cultivators. At the same time, he began to scan his surroundings with 'Psionic Perception'.

When two cultivators who cultivated the Primordial Chaos Art met, they could sense that the other party had also cultivated the same cultivation technique.

This was also a way for the Hunyuan Sect to distinguish between friend and foe.

Yu Chen walked for an unknown period of time but he could not find the Hunyuan Sect elder.

Only when he reached the cage where the third realm cultivators were imprisoned did Yu Chen stop.

In the cage where the third realm cultivators were imprisoned, a formation that restricted spiritual power was set up on the ground.

This was also to prevent third realm cultivators from using their cultivation to resist the temperature.

A third realm cultivator?

Yu Chen stood weakly at the intersection of the second and third realm. He looked up at the crimson clouds and felt despair.

He searched through the cages of the second realm cultivators but could not find an elder of the Hunyuan Sect.

Could it be that the elder of the Hunyuan Sect was already dead?

If he died, Yu Chen would lose the chance to obtain the next cultivation technique of the Primordial Chaos Sect.

Then… he could only stay at the tenth-level of the first realm for eternity with no way to break through.

In other words, Yu Chen had to be imprisoned here for 500 years??

Yu Chen was indignant. As he clenched his fists, he hated the person who sent him in even more.

This place was hell. Sending people in here was worse than killing them outright.

After hesitating for a long time, Yu Chen knew that he couldn't stay there forever.

He could only return to his cage first. As for his cultivation, he still needed to think of a way.

However, when Yu Chen turned around, he saw a black mass of prison guards waiting there.

Yu Chen was speechless.

Although Yu Chen knew that he was invincible among his peers, he was helpless against so many prison guards.

In addition, there were even second realm cultivators among these prison guards.

Although Yu Chen tried his best to resist, he was no match for them.

Finally, the injured Yu Chen collapsed.

He felt groggy, and his body, which had been through a life-and-death battle, was exhausted to the extreme.

In his daze, Yu Chen heard the prison guards talking.

"He intended to escape. Cut off both his feet."

"That's not right. If he wanted to escape, he should have fled in the direction of the lower ranked cages. He wasn't escaping."

"Well… I suppose that's true."

"So what do we do?"

"Check his cultivation level and send him to the Frozen Hell."

"That's right. From his relaxed manner, I'd say he has the gift of being immune to fire spirits."

"He's immune to fire spiritual power, but I wonder if he's immune to other things~"

"To be able to escape from his cage proves that he has extraordinary power."

"So we have to give him a shackle to limit his power…"

Cold …

So cold…

When he woke up again, Yu Chen could not sense where his body was.

Yu Chen tried to sense his body, but to no avail.

He raised his hand and saw that his arm was covered in frost…

"This place is …"

Yu Chen's mind was frozen. He slowly recalled what had happened before he lost consciousness.

Thinking of the conversation between the prison guards, Yu Chen felt uneasy.

It seemed that the furnace was not the only punishment in this prison.

Yu Chen could not move his body to sit up and could only use his spiritual perception.

Based on his perception, he was inside a first realm level ten cage.

And his surroundings had changed dramatically.

What had been a furnace was now a world of ice and snow.

What made Yu Chen even more concerned was that there were two iron rings on his left and right arms.

These two iron rings were not ordinary items. There was an array formation inside that restricted power.

Yu Chen felt extremely weak now. Before, he felt so powerful that he could beat a cow to death. In an instant, he turned into being so weak that his legs were trembling.

Fortunately, the Primordial Chaos Art could still be used.

"Primordial Chaos Art…"

Yu Chen endured the endless coldness and began to use the Primordial Chaos Art.

Little by little, Yu Chen's physical cultivation was transformed into a certain proportion of spiritual power cultivation.

After he was done, Yu Chen's spiritual power cultivation instantly increased by over 30 times.

Under the enhancement of such terrifying spiritual power cultivation, the spiritual power began to nourish Yu Chen's body, relieving and resisting the cold. The surrounding chill became fainter and fainter.

After resting for a while, Yu Chen recovered.

When he regained his senses, Yu Chen sat up and stretched.

Around them, dozens of curled-up prisoners were not awakened by Yu Chen's actions.

Yu Chen finally experienced both hot and cold weather.

After recovering his mobility, Yu Chen began to think.

It was impossible for him to simply sit and wait.

Yu Chen could not stand to be here for a few days, let alone for five hundred years.

However, Yu Chen no longer had any talent points or the power to tear open the cage.

For a moment, Yu Chen was in despair.

However, he did not give up. Instead, he sat cross-legged and started cultivating again…