[Additional garbled updates, recovery at 3:50. If unable to recover, open the directory and long press this chapter to re-download.]
'Although "Lord Era" has its pitfalls, at least it leaves some leeway.'
'So, it is necessary to solve the problem of converging timelines before the time channel connects to a future that could annihilate me. This is no small issue.'
"Rank 7, our foe is Rank 7. It seems that Rank 8 isn't just any ordinary cabbage, not so easy to summon."
"No, the time channel has changed its connection time," Qin Muye suddenly said, his expression altering dramatically.
"It appears that the opponent is transporting a massive amount of war machinery; otherwise, it couldn't be this slow. Even a Rank 6 Terminator would have shown up by now," Black Hand relayed the words of a strategic-oriented Spirit Monster Hero.
"Let them handle it, I can't make heads or tails of this situation," Qin Muye stated outright.