[Additional scrambled text, recovery at 3:50. If unable to recover, open the directory and long press the chapter to re-download.]
"However, I'm quite curious as to why you didn't follow to the Horror Universe, considering your current situation, you must have been sitting on the cold bench for many years," Qin Muye also said with some curiosity.
"Of course, I've been recently cultivating, and my strength is much more powerful than before," Hercules flexed his muscles and said.
"Hmm, at that time, to counteract the Terminator's magnetic field rotation, it was just a single move. Cultivation was only a byproduct. Forming a complete system would take some time, at least until I can free up some space in my schedule," Qin Muye didn't make excuses and directly stated the truth to avoid misunderstanding.
"Hmm, you are a descendant of Hades, why do you get along so well with Hercules?" Prometheus asked with some curiosity.