Chapter 55, another attack

In the forest of the Wolf Pack’s territory.

Su Hui bent down and picked up the Lynx’s body.

He quickly walked forward and followed the three wolves.

The team walked very quickly. After all, they were worried about the safety of the wolf father and the wolf pups, even though the possibility of a lynx attacking them was very small.

In less than a moment, they returned to the interior of the cave. It took less than twenty minutes.

When they saw the wolf father resting with his eyes closed and the little wolves playing around in the back, the four wolves heaved a sigh of relief.

Su Hui went to place the Lynx’s corpse in the food storage area, while Su Ming went to talk to the wolf father about the battle just now.

“Ta, ta, ta.”

Hearing the footsteps, the wolf father opened his eyes.

There was a hint of expectation in his calm eyes, as if he was waiting for his child to share the results of his first battle with him.