Chapter 128, confrontation (three in one)4

He quickly took out his walkie-talkie and instructed his team members, “All members of the Hidden Dragon team listen to my orders. Do not move for the time being.”

“Roger that.”

The team members listened to Zheng Xinglong’s words and immediately stopped moving. Meanwhile, White Wolf, who was in front of him, turned his gaze towards the main group in the center.

“Good sense of hearing! This guy has noticed us.”

Swordsman said with battle intent. Since the other party was able to turn around and agree with him, he did not want to listen to captain Zheng’s command for a long time.

From Swordsman’s point of view, the most effective way was to attack directly. They had a large number of people, so they did not need to be afraid of these beasts at all.

“We can’t wait any longer. Everyone, we have to act first and have the advantage! ! !”