Chapter 131, retreat of the humans (three in one)4

An idea appeared in Su Ming’s mind. could he use this person to obtain information about the current situation of the humans and how many of them were there.

With this thought in mind, Su Ming decided to keep this person here temporarily.

He ordered Su Yi to use [ shadow control ] and let the other party’s shadow bind him.

Although she didn’t understand why her brother did this, Su Yi still carried out his orders seriously.

Soon, the shadow rope under Jue Neng wrapped around her and hung her up high, following behind the wolves.

They walked all the way until they reached the front of the giant snow ridge spruce before stopping.

Su Ming looked up and saw that the fruit growing above them was quite different from before. The originally bronze-colored appearance had all turned silver-white.

Su Yi did not need Su Ming to speak personally. She controlled the shadow and plucked a mutated fruit from above.