Chapter 126, the ripening of the fruit (missing chapters can be skipped)

As Mr. Xu revealed his true purpose, several department heads began to discuss the dispatch of manpower.

During the heated discussion of the base, in the imperial palace in the center of the capital, hundreds of kilometers away.

A young man in a yellow robe was sitting at a table, examining and approving an official document.

At this moment, the special phone beside him rang.

The young man stopped what he was doing and picked up the phone. He put on a serious expression.

That was because there could only be one person who could call. It was the prime minister that he had personally appointed.

A voice soon came from the other end of the phone. It was a gentle and solemn voice.

“Your Majesty, there is news from the superpower base. There is news about a c-grade mutated plant in Zhuzhou.”

“I Beg Your Majesty to allow us to send out a superhuman team to explore. This is related to the extraordinary development of China in the future.”