Chapter 139, Su Ming’s plan (three in one)4

As he watched the two teams gradually disappear, Su Ming realized that now was a good time to launch an air raid. It would still take about a minute for the next team to arrive.

He turned around and nodded at the shadow Su Yi, indicating that they were about to charge.

Then, he turned into a ray of white light and disappeared into the forest.

He rushed into the human camp and only stopped when he was near a tent. Behind him, Su Yi’s shadow followed closely and was not noticed by the soldiers.

If it was based on the actual situation, Su Yi’s [ latent shadow ] was more suitable to sneak into the camp than Su Ming’s [ war pattern ] .

Unfortunately, only Su Ming, who had a human soul, knew how to destroy weapons and recognize communication devices. Otherwise, Su Yi could sneak in alone.

The two of them stayed at the back of the tent and used the cover to prevent the soldiers on the outside and the soldiers on the inside from discovering them.