Chapter 155, worshipper Wang Lin 2

She didn’t expect that her life-saving wolf would actually appear in this place. Wang Lin thought that she would never see it again in her life.

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace and rushed to the front of the giant wolves.

Su Ming was still lying on the grass, his eyes staring at this uninvited guest.

To be honest, this was the first time he had met such a strange human. He was not wary of the Wolf Pack, nor was he afraid of them. Instead, it was a form of worship.

Although Su Ming was still lying on the haystack, Ling, who was beside him, made a new move.

It stood up abruptly and looked at the female superhuman who was walking towards it. It let out a low growl.

At that moment, Su Ming roughly understood Ling’s meaning. It seemed to know this female superhuman. It was greeting her just now.

It was obvious that she did not understand the meaning of the wolf’s growl. She continued walking on her own until she was in front of the two wolves. Only then did she stop.