Chapter 174, Camp Dispute 3

The pressure in Ming Hairen’s heart was gradually accumulating. However, he was Xu Cheng’s confidant and had done many things with the other party. It was impossible for him to escape from it.

After a long time, his subordinate’s report came through the walkie-talkie.

“Brother Hairen, this is team one. The four giant wolves are still at the small playground. They haven’t taken any action yet. They have fulfilled the requirements of implementing the plan.”

Hearing his subordinate’s report, Ming Hai Ren clenched his fists tightly.

Very good. At least there was no resistance from the giant wolves.

“Well done. Team One, you guys continue to monitor. Report to me immediately if there is any movement.”

“Roger that. Please rest assured, brother Hai Ren. We will be paying attention at all times.”

After receiving the news, Ming Hai Ren first thought about it in his mind. He had arranged two teams in total and basically pulled in half of their forces.