Chapter 177, mutated water deer 2

[ mutated poplar ] : under the effect of strange energy and lightning, the mutated poplar has a large amount of lightning in its body. The outer branches and leaves have the effect of absorbing and dissolving the Lightning.

Looking at the information in front of him, Su Ming confirmed his thoughts. This mutated poplar was indeed not the target he was looking for.

After crossing the tree, Su Ming slowly climbed up the mountain. While bathing in the Thunder, he also needed to find the Thunder Fruit and thunder he needed to complete his purpose here.

The slope of the five ridges peak was not steep enough to maintain normal walking. Su Ming needed to withstand the Thunder while observing the surrounding environment and looking for the mutated poplar-like trees, or grass plants.

During this period of time, he continued to adapt to his body’s resistance to lightning. He was prepared for a possible battle, and he was ready to face the enemy at full strength

“Whoosh! ! !”