Chapter 197, healing fluid 1

In the office of the person-in-charge of the capital base.

When Xu Lin heard the sound coming from outside, he could not help but raise his right hand and cover his forehead helplessly.

‘Eh... This kid really knows how to cause trouble for me. I had already discussed the transaction and was ready to proceed to the next stage...’

Xu Lin sighed softly and quickly changed back to his original expression. He pressed a button beside the table.


Instantly, the silver electronic door quickly folded together and shrunk into the wall, completely opening the door.

A figure also stepped in. He wore gray clothes and held a silver iron rod in his hand. He was full of energy and did not look the same as when he lost to Su Ming last time.

This person was the top powerhouse in China, Chen Tian, who was in the middle stage of D class.

“Manager Xu, I heard that your excellency the Wolf King is here, so I came to pay a visit.”