Chapter 213, Flash Grass 2

To be honest, he was already prepared to cut his own flesh, but he didn’t expect that the other party actually wanted the most amount of [ flash grass ] .

Although the effect of this plant wasn’t bad, it wasn’t very outstanding among the many mutated plants. Could it be that the Wolf King valued quantity?

With this thought, Minister Xiong received an affirmative answer.


Su Ming gently patted the cultivation pod on the outside, indicating what he was thinking.

Seeing this, minister Xiong hurriedly said, “I understand, sir.”

He was afraid that if he was a few seconds late, the outside of the cultivation pod might be damaged. This thing was very precious, and the cost of one was tens of thousands.

After weighing it for a while, he said again, “According to your deal with the person in charge, we can provide you with five [ flash grass ] , and above that, it will be beyond the scope of the laboratory.”
