Chapter 268, the end of the battle

Two streaks of light flashed across the lawn. They moved like lightning, so fast that no afterimages could be seen. They were mixed with lightning and flames, and they were like the scythes of the grim reaper, quickly reaping the lives of the creatures along the way.

Halved at the waist, decapitated, pierced through the abdomen, and burned. All kinds of corpses collapsed on the ground, paving the way behind the two, forming a path of death.

Staring at the scene in front of him with wide eyes, the monkey leader could hardly believe it. He could not imagine that the giant Wolf clan could be so powerful.

Without a doubt, he had underestimated the other party’s strength, and his clan had paid the price for it.

A slight tremble came from the leader’s body, spreading throughout his entire body, and an intense sense of fear arose.

He only felt that the two giant wolves in front of him were not two giant wolves at all. Instead, it was an extremely imposing prehistoric giant beast.