Chapter 102 Brotherly Love for Me


After upgrading his gear, Meng Lang headed to the neighboring business hall.

It took fifteen minutes to get a high data plan SIM card, which he inserted into his portable Wifi device.

All set! Now he's a man with upgraded Wifi capability!

By the time he went through security and entered the high-speed train station, it was almost 11 o'clock.

He checked the train ticket information on his phone.

[Su City-Wu City, departure time 11:15 AM, check-in gate...]

Yes, he had already changed his ticket last night.

In high school, he often used to flip a coin to decide his next step in life.

Heads for reading novels, tails for sleep, and if the coin stood on its edge, he would do his homework.

When faced with choices, flipping a coin always seemed to work.

Not because it always gave the right answer, but because at the moment he tossed it into the air, he would already know what he really wanted...
