342 Blood Fist Casio (4000)_1

A black and silver sedan made its way slowly through the streets of Mia City, gliding like a sleek black fish.

The sun had already risen from behind the clouds, peeking shyly over the horizon, its golden body half submerged. It seemed like a round, tumbling egg yolk with white clouds scattering around it, like egg whites.

The warm orange sunrise seeped through the car window, scattering on the soft, sand-colored speckled blanket. Its light also cast upon the side of a young man's face, sculpting a rugged and profound contour.

His eyes were downcast as he folded his arms. At first glance he appeared relaxed. His stiff trench coat, wide-rimmed gloves, and cold aura however, emitted a very clear sense of distance, making people feel reluctant to approach upon encountering.

The hum of the car engine was barely perceptible as the wheels turned to the right, turning a corner and entering the city's main road.