That Strike (2)

As for the mutated beasts, Xu Qing encountered some of them.

However, the increase in his cultivation base allowed his ability to protect his life to increase. It could be considered successful if he was careful.

Although he didn't find the heavenfate flower and scar-repelling stone, his harvest of the seven-leaf grass wasn't small. If he went back and sold them, he could exchange them for quite a lot of spirit coins.

At this moment, when dusk was about to arrive, Xu Qing also saw the world outside the jungle. Just when he was about to walk out, his footsteps suddenly paused. He lowered his head and looked at a blade of grass beside him.

The appearance of this grass was somewhat similar to the heavenfate flower. However, even with his meager knowledge of plants and vegetation, he could tell that this wasn't the heavenfate flower after taking a closer look.