A Song of Remnants of Love in the Red Dust

After a short period of silence, the camp leader looked at Xu Qing and suddenly spoke.

"Kid, let's forget about this matter. You've saved Captain Lei and this person is dead. There's no need for us to continue fighting to the death."

"Moreover, I'm an elder of the Diamond Sect. If you fight to the death with me, it will be equivalent to starting a war with the Diamond Sect. My sect's ancestor is a Foundation Establishment expert!"

Xu Qing fell silent and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. His body staggered as he lifted his right hand, wanting to wipe it away.

At this moment, the camp leader who wanted to call a truce suddenly had a cold glint in his eyes.

His entire person rushed toward Xu Qing with a boom. His speed was so fast that golden light erupted from his entire body at this moment. He seemed to have transformed into a Diamond's body.

"Diamond Third Art!"