Kui Shadow's Grand Formation

In the ruined city, in the cave Xu Qing was in, the ground was covered in bird feathers, mixed with an unpleasant-smelling turbid air.

The rocks and miscellaneous items that he had used to block the gap were now severely corroded by the anomalous substances.

There was also more dust in the surroundings than when he left.

Evidently, even if the forbidden zone was formed, there would still be scavengers coming to investigate. However, his shelter was too hidden, so no one came here after he left.

Hence, the smell of dust and decay mixed together entered Xu Qing's nose continuously but he didn't mind.

At that moment, Xu Qing was sitting cross-legged and meditating. The Mountains and Seas Art in his body was fully circulated. After accumulating strength, he was trying his best to break through to the seventh level.