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Heavenly lightning exploded!

A rumbling sound echoed through the world. The layers of clouds in the sky were thick and heavy, as though there were living beings from outer space constantly bombarding each other.

Sometimes, there was a muffled thunder and sometimes, there was a series of loud bangs, causing all the residents in the main city to wake up from their sleep.

Bolts of lightning tore through the sky and shockingly tore through the night. The sun that was covered by the clouds seemed to have a chance to catch its breath at this moment. It tried its best to bring the light along with the rain and surge towards the human world.

In the morning, the rain was even heavier.

The wind outside was also much more violent than at night. It was like the roar of a giant that spread in all directions, as though it was fighting against the lightning in the sky. It echoed in the sky and didn't dissipate for a long time.