Pervert (2)

Moreover, from the respectful looks from the surrounding people, it could be seen that this person's identity was not as simple as an ordinary Foundation Building cultivator.

However, this youth's complexion was sallow, and there were thick dark circles under his eyes. His body was skinny, and he looked like he had been hollowed out by alcohol and sex. There was also a hint of lasciviousness in his eyes.

He stood at the bow of the ship, wearing a white hat with the character '禁' embroidered on it.

This character was very strange and emitted an indescribable pressure.

The dark purple Daoist robe that caused countless people to go crazy was extremely large on him. When the wind blew past him, the robe would make a whooshing sound as though it would blow away with him.

He seemed to know how weak he was, so when he walked out, he was enjoying the respect from the disciples on the shore while hugging two cloaked women as support.