The Secret Worth 100 Spirit Stones (3)

However, the other party's killing intent didn't erupt. After he agreed to owe the spirit stones, it quickly dissipated.

Xu Qing was finally relieved. He turned his head and looked in the direction of Panquan Road in the distance. A cold glint flashed in his eyes.

He quickly retracted his gaze and stepped into the Homicide Department. He then handed Sun Dewang over to the collection office of the department and took the bounty.

Before he left, he gave some spirit coins to the fellow sect member in charge of collecting the wanted criminals and politely asked him about Zhao Zhongheng.

The disciple in charge of the collection kept the spirit coins with a fake smile and told Xu Qing about what he knew.

His words were roughly the same as the captain's, but it wasn't as detailed. Xu Qing left after thanking him.

On the way to his berth, Xu Qing's eyes revealed contemplation as he recalled the events of the night.