Declaration of War

This news spread through the entire Seven Blood Eyes like a storm, attracting the attention of countless cultivators on both the mountain and at the foot of the mountain.

Although high-level cultivators were the main force in war, there were many things on the battlefield that still needed Qi Condensation cultivators to do. For example, setting up array formations, logistics, transportation, and various other war tasks.

In fact, even the Sea Corpse Race would definitely send out Qi Condensation cultivators to fight. In that case, the piedmont disciples of the Seven Blood Eyes would have to fight as well.

After all, compared to the cultivators on the mountain, the piedmont disciples had no right to refuse. Only when they reached the Foundation Building realm did they have the right to decide if they wanted to participate in the battle.

As such, this news quickly caused a commotion in the main city. Xu Qing wasn't surprised.