Sea Corpse Race's Dao Child

"You're finally willing to come out?"

Almost at the instant Xu Qing walked out of the vortex, he heard a voice coming from ahead.

The other party's tone was calm and gave off no energy fluctuation.

Xu Qing looked over. In reality, he had already seen the scene in front of him through the shadow earlier. However, now that he was seeing it with his own eyes, his heart still sank.

There were originally more than a thousand Sea Corpse Race cultivators guarding this place. At this moment, these people were all kneeling from a distance.

There was only one person outside the exit.

This person was a youth. He wore a golden emperor's robe but he didn't have an emperor's crown. His skin was fair and there were no livor mortis spots. His aura was deep and profound and his eyes seemed to contain the stars.

Appearance-wise, he was inferior to Xu Qing. However, the noble aura he emitted made him the center of attention wherever he was.