What Is Sequence!

"Arrest?" The black-clothed girl laughed. However, the instant her laughter rang out, voices from countless corners of Port 176 rang out in unison.

"I obey the order!"

As the voices rang out, figures rushed out from all corners. There were over a thousand of them and they sealed off the entire Port 176.

"A mere group of Qi Condensation cultivators wants to block me? I'll kill a few first for you to see!"

Killing intent appeared in the black-clothed girl's eyes. The three life fires in her body were instantly ignited and their light overflowed into the sky. Her speed also erupted as she soared into the air and headed straight for the Homicide Department's disciples who had rushed out.

Xu Qing coldly looked over and raised his identity token.

"Xu Qing, deputy director of the Homicide Department, requests for the sect's array formation to seal the sky of Port 176, so that no foreign cultivators may fly here!"