
Hearing the captain's words, Xu Qing's eyes narrowed.

He looked at the statue in the temple. Only now did he know that this temple had such a background.

Recalling that saber strike back then, Xu Qing gained even more insights.

The captain sighed inwardly. He also knew that this kind of fortune wasn't as simple as taking a bite. Not only did it require comprehension, but it also required fate. Most importantly, this statue no longer had the spiritual charm. He couldn't possibly kill Xu Qing in exchange for an opportunity to comprehend it…

Moreover, he felt that he might not be able to defeat Xu Qing anyway. This kid had hidden his strength deeply.

Therefore, although he was extremely interested in this Extreme Heaven Saber, there was nothing he could do.

It was dawn. Xu Qing didn't continue into the depths of the forbidden zone. Even with his current cultivation, he could still sense the malicious divine sense locked onto him.