The Youth Under the Mask (1)

The main city of the Seven Blood Eyes was finally completed.

Following the waves after waves of teleportation, although the population of the entire city wasn't as high as in the Nanhuang Continent, there were a large number of disciples from the other 137 sects of the Alliance. They were naturally very interested in the new city.

Regardless of whether they were here to do business, shop, or make friends, this new main city was bustling and lively.

There were also adjustments to the members of the various departments. Huang Yan was still in the Pilotage Department.

His beloved Second Senior Sister held the deputy post of the Patrol Department. This was also in line with Second Senior Sister's personality. With her around, the criminals would be intimidated to a certain extent.

There were also some departments that were synchronized with the other sects of the Alliance.

For example, the Commerce Department.