Bizarre Nether Dao Snatching

Old Master Seventh admired Xu Qing even more when he saw how Xu Qing calmly said that he wanted to go to poison dao sects to learn. He laughed and nodded.

"Naturally. Let's go, Master will bring you there." Old Master Seventh left the sect with Xu Qing.

In the sky, Xu Qing didn't need him to speak. He turned and bowed solemnly to the sect below.

Old Master Seventh was even more satisfied. After bowing as well, he brought Xu Qing onto the magic ship.

As for Ding Xue, she was still cultivating. Her talent was clearly ordinary, so even with the help of the soul pearl, she was still having difficulty in opening magic apertures.

Time slowly passed as Xu Qing and Old Master Seventh studied. A month later, as the magic ship entered the western region of the Yinghuang Province and Old Master Seventh perfected the cultivation art he had created for Xu Qing, this study finally came to an end.