Shadows of Events

The little mute's eyes revealed horror and his body trembled. He wanted to struggle but Xu Qing's right hand was like an iron clamp, firmly grabbing his neck, making his struggles useless.

The huge difference in cultivation also made it impossible for him to resist.

Even though… he was already close to the Foundation Building.

The reason why it was close was because the little mute's cultivation was very strange. He was between Qi Condensation and Foundation Building, as though his Foundation Building hadn't ended.

This place could be considered a bustling part of the city. There were many pedestrians in the surroundings and there were also many disciples of the Seven Blood Eyes and other sects. However, when everyone saw Xu Qing and the little mute, their expressions froze. The mortals retreated while the cultivators lowered their heads to greet Xu Qing.