Shadow Fusion Secret Technique

The Diamond Sect's ancestor was very nervous. While he was worried, he discovered that Xu Qing's gaze toward the vortex contained a hint of anticipation.

In the memories of the Diamond Sect's ancestor, Xu Qing had never looked at him like this.

All of this caused the Diamond Sect's ancestor to feel an intense mental struggle.

Finally, lightning appeared in his eyes. After he forced himself to the extreme, he went crazy and wanted to risk it.

Hence, he looked at Xu Qing.

"Master, please give me those mirrors."

Although the Diamond Sect's ancestor's words were transmitted through his divine sense, Xu Qing could clearly sense the determination and madness contained within.

He glanced at the Diamond Sect's ancestor and with a wave of his hand, all the mirrors of various sizes he had obtained from Spirit Venerable Nether Fairy flew out.