Sword Holder's Mandate

Outside the Absolute Beginning Separation Pillar.

The sky was still blue and the ground was still crystalline.

The cold wind continued to blow. Snowflakes drifted across the city and landed on the crowd around the Absolute Beginning Separation Pillar.

There were only a little over 2,000 cultivators here.

The vast majority of them had teleported back in advance. Even now, there was still lingering fear on their faces.

Clearly, everything that happened in the ghost cave was too shocking for them.

The danger this time was indeed as the middle-aged Sword Holder had said three days ago. There existed fatal danger.

Xu Qing stood in the crowd. He was among the last batch of people to return.

The instant he appeared, he immediately looked around and noticed that several others had returned at the same time as him.

The captain was among them. His body was covered in injuries but fortunately, his limbs were intact.