Inheritance From Time (1)

Noon had come and gone and with the sun changing its position, the sunlight no longer shone on the Oath Hall but scattered behind Xu Qing.

Xu Qing walked out of the group of solemnly standing Sword Holders. The sunlight reflected off of him, setting him apart from the others.

The captain looked at Xu Qing's figure. He sighed with emotion but also felt smug. He thought to himself, 'This is my junior brother.'

Qing Qiu was in the crowd. Her pretty face was expressionless under the mask. She glanced at Xu Qing and felt a little disgusted. Hence, she turned her head and looked in the direction of the Nanhuang Continent.

She didn't like such sunny days. She liked it when the wind blew and snow fell.

This was because every time she looked at the distant world on a snowy day, she would vaguely see a small and skinny figure walking over warily while sticking to the corners of the wall and nodding at her.

'Brother Kid…' Qing Qiu mumbled inwardly.