Walking Alone (1)


Steward Sun's expression instantly turned ugly. He looked at the battle-ready Sword Holders who were surrounding them like a pack of vicious wolves and then at the envoy of the Holy Wave Race beside him.

His expression changed and he complained inwardly.

In reality, he didn't want to come either. After all, bringing the Holy Wave Race to the Sword Holding Palace to capture the Sword Holders was already a ridiculous thing. However, the marquis had ordered him to make sure the envoy of the Holy Wave Race was satisfied. Hence, he could only grit his teeth fiercely at this moment, and his eyes revealed a ferocious glint.

"The marquis has ordered the capture of Kong Xianglong and the other four!"

Deacon Sima frowned. As for the black-clothed guard of the Holy Wave Race, the gloominess on his face faded a little. He smiled slightly and a deep glint flashed in the depths of his eyes.