This Is Ling'er's Life thread! (1)

In a teleportation array that was still some distance away from the county capital, light flickered and Xu Qing's figure walked out.

His face was pale and the feeling of weakness grew increasingly intense. As soon as he appeared, he didn't hesitate to head straight into the distance, using his fastest speed to enter a desolate mountain and search for a hidden cave.

The moment he stepped into the cave, blood gushed out again, and he almost blacked out. However, he gritted his teeth and used a few spells to seal the surroundings.

According to his past experiences, he should have recovered at least half of his strength in a day.

But now, it wasn't even 10% recovered.

As the pain from his internal organs continued to invade, Xu Qing also sensed the reason why his injuries were recovering so slowly this time.

His internal organs had all shattered, his flesh had withered greatly, and his bones were filled with countless cracks.